Children’s Ministry


It is truly our desire to partner with parents as they raise their children to love and follow Jesus. We seek to give children a solid foundation built upon the Bible and wrap them in God’s love, protection, and scriptural wisdom in order to make “Disciples for a Lifetime”.

Our playscape is only available on Sundays before Kids Church, and on Wednesday nights before Olympians. Only children who attend Kids Church and/or Olympians and have an up-to-date playscape injury waiver on file are permitted to use the playscape.


Sunday Morning Ministries



We believe that faith formation begins at the very beginning of a child’s life. Our nursery is available during both services for babies through crawlers. We strive to provide a safe place where every baby experience God’s love!


Preschool Connect

It has been found that the first 5 years of a child’s life are the most formative years. With this in mind, we invite all preschoolers ages 3 through kindergarten to take part in Preschool Connect. This is a time for where kids can worship together, learn from age-appropriate Bible teaching, pray, and do a fun application activity.

Kids Church

Kids Church is offered during both Sunday services for 1st through 4th graders. It is designed to resemble a worship service, but in an age-appropriate way. At Kids Church, kids sing and worship together, and learn from engaging Bible teaching, prayer, games, object lessons, and even a puppet show!

Watch the Video below to see the child check-in process!


Olympians Ministry


Envisioning the Christian life as a race, our Olympians program encourages children to “go for the gold” in their pursuit of righteousness. 1st through 6th graders engage in hands on discipleship where they learn key Bible truths, examine the character of key Bible figures, engage in service, create lifelong spiritual habits, and deepen their understanding of the Gospel. Olympians meet every Wednesday from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Come early at 6:00pm for dinner and play time on our new playscape!

Our Olympians are encouraged to participate in the Challengers, Conquerors, or Champions daily quiet times that are geared toward their specific age groups. As your child works through their quiet time, attends meetings, learns Scripture, and participates in serving, they take a step closer towards earning their Bronze, Silver, and Gold level awards.

What we are most proud of is our small groups! We believe that thinking SMALL can have a BIG impact. Each Olympian will participate in a small group (aka a huddle group) to dive deeper in community and application.

Olympians Events include:

Weekly Discipleship

Summer Camp


Christian Service Opportunities

Water Day

Community Events

And so much more!


Baby Dedications & Baptisms


Is your child interested in getting baptized? We love baptisms here at Cowboy Fellowship, but we always want to ensure that every child understands what baptism is and can express their faith clearly. Please fill out the Kid’s Baptism Class Interest Form to learn more about our Kid’s Baptism Class and how you can help your child take their next steps toward salvation and baptism.

If your child is not yet able to express their faith clearly, we offer Baby Dedications on Sundays before our 8:30am & 10:45am services! Please fill out the Baby Dedication Interest Form to get more information on how to get your child dedicated!


For the safety of our children, parents must utilize our church management system for check-in, and all individuals who serve in any capacity for Children’s Ministry must pass a background check.