Children’s Ministry

What to Expect on Sunday Mornings


First-Time Guests:

● If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to turn your hazard lights on as you enter our campus so that our parking volunteers can guide you to an open parking spot.

● The children’s building is the far left building. You may enter using either the front or side doors.

● If you have a baby you would like to drop off, our Nursery room is located in the Sanctuary toward the back, across from the bathrooms.

During our 8:30am service we offer care for Nursery babies and Toddlers in the Sanctuary, and Preschool & Children’s Church in the children’s building (Potty Trained 3-year-olds-5th grade).

During our 10:45am service we offer Nursery in the Sanctuary, Toddlers move over to our children’s building, and Preschool & Children’s Church in the children’s building (Potty Trained 3-year-olds-5th grade).


Procedures for Check-In and Pick-Up:

● We use an electronic check-in to record attendance and provide an identification label for your child. Each time you attend, you will check your child into this system. You must have the security label to pick up your child.

First-time guests should proceed to our First-time guest station where a leader will happily get you checked in. You will be asked to fill out a short family information page and a play area injury waiver.

● When you arrive, you will see multiple kiosks. If you have attended Cowboy Fellowship in the past, it is possible you are already in our system. Please enter your child’s name into the kiosks and if you are in our system, your family will come up. Please make sure each child you are dropping off is checked and then select the “Done” in the bottom right corner.

● You will receive a tag for each child, and a security label that matches.

● You MUST bring your security tag when picking up your child. Please remember this is a system that is intended to keep your child safe. If you happen to lose your security tag, a volunteer will have to wait for the Children’s Minister’s approval before releasing your child.

● Each child’s tag will have a security code on it that matches a code on your child’s name tag. If there is a reason we need you to come pick up or check on your child, our sound booth/AV volunteers will flash that code onto the main screen in the sanctuary. Please always check your tags when a number is flashed on the screen.


What You Need to Bring for Your Nursery or Preschool Child:

For children who are not potty-trained: Please bring a bag with items clearly labeled. Make sure to pack enough bottles, a change of clothes, diapers, pacifiers, sippy cups, etc.

● Please tell your teacher any information about your child’s feeding schedule, particular needs, etc. to ensure your child has a positive experience.



● We are proud to offer free play time before each service on our amazing indoor playscape and rock-climbing wall for children ages 3 years-5th grade who are attending Kids Church.

Our playscape hours on Sunday are as follows:

○ 8:05-8:25am

○ 10:20-10:40am

All children must have a playscape injury waiver on file to play on our playscape and rock wall.


Take Note:

If your child has allergies, please tell us at check-in. We will enter that information into your child’s record, and it will be printed on their name tag.

Well Children Only. Please do not bring your child to church if he/she has had these symptoms in the past 24 hours: diarrhea, vomiting, fever of 100 degrees or above, rash, open sores, heavy nasal discharge (yellow or green).

Please do not drop off children at the nursery or toddler rooms earlier than 15 minutes before the service is scheduled to start. This allows our teachers a chance to get their rooms and be prepared to receive your child.

● If your child has not finished eating breakfast, please stay with them in the check-in area and let your child finish before taking them to the classroom.

● Please pick up your child promptly after the service.